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Wentworth Ski Race Club
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Newsletter #8 - Thursday, February 16


1 - Thank you’s! 2 - No Friday training February 17th 3 - This Weekend 4 - Volunteers Needed at the Roland Brunner Race March 3/4/5 5 - Sponsorship 6 - Easter Camp

1 - Thank you’s!
1.1 Thank you to Wilsons for sponsoring new race bibs which have been ordered this week and we plan to have in time for the Brunner!  (Wilsons is a leading fuel supplier in Atlantic Canada. We strive to provide a premium level of customer service and high value products to our customers.
Along with our home comfort services, retail gas stations and convenience stores we offer a full range of residential and commercial security solutions.)
1.2 - We had nine parents participate in the Level 2 Officials course on Feb 10th.  Thank you to Brian Carter for hosting and running the course.

1.3 - Michelle Young has agreed to manage the Buy and Sell pages.  Thank you Michelle!  For any gear you are looking to sell or are trying to find secondhand, please e-mail Michelle at  This e-mail address is also on the “Buy and Sell Gear” page.

2 - No Friday Training Tomorrow
We are hosting the Team Atlantic Cup tomorrow and for a variety of reasons do not have sufficient coaching staff to run the U12 training as planned.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

3 - This Weekend
WSRC has 28 athletes registered to attend the U10/U12 race in Brookvale PEI this weekend.  As such, the U10/U12 groups this weekend in Wentworth will be reshuffled this weekend only.  The following coaches will be in PEI with the group:  Olivia Mason, Connor Myers, Gregor Byrne, Lucas Byrne.  If your athlete is not going to PEI and has one of these coaches, do not worry, they will be assigned another coach for this weekend.

4 - Volunteers Needed at Roland Brunner Race
WSRC’s biggest race event of the season with top racers from throughout Atlantic Canada needs you!  Earn your volunteer points, checkout our sign-up sheet, go to our website, Parent Page, Volunteering to find this link:

5 - Sponsorship
Sponsorship packages are described on the website under “Sponsor Us!”  at the following link:
These packages are for the next 2 ski seasons the deadline for this year is March 10, 2017.  We have a good level of interest, but there are still a few spots left.

6 - Easter Camp
 To extend our season, if there is sufficient interest, we will offer a training camp at MSA April 11 - April 17th.  Anyone who is interested, please e-mail

WSRC AGM Date and Location Change


WSRC AGM RSVP, Member Survey, Board & Committee Opportunities


WSRC Weekend Update!


WSRC Update!
